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Breath & Health

How physiotherapy can treat aching back pain?

June 5 2015 , Written by Michael Samson Published on #Health

How physiotherapy can treat aching back pain?

I hear this line several times a day, “I Bent forwards and could not get back up on my own, it was hell out of pain.”

Most of the time we wonder what the hell we have done to our backs? Why they are hurting so? Acute lower back pain is one of the most common condition people of the modern age are suffering. And being a physiotherapist it is one of the most commonly treated health problems. The pain can occur from the most minor events, such as picking up a heavy material or even sneeze. The intensity of pain can vary in every individual, and sometimes it can be mild to acute. The area in which pain is felt can also vary, but most people face it in their lower back and legs. Sciatica is one of the most commonly faced problems now days, which must be treated for a healthy body. The most common reason of back pain is when muscles or discs are hurt because of any reason.

However, with the help of right treatment, it is now possible to treat acute back pain completely or can be reduced. The most common treatment to treat back pain is physiotherapy Dubai, where the consultant conducts several tests to understand the problem in your series. When the disc is involved in causing pain, it is often because of the outer ring of Annulus Fibrosis is damaged/ hurt and causing disc bulge. In many sever cases, the disc may tear through, this is known as Disc Herniation or in slang slipped disc. Because of this pain is severe in the side of lower back, with accompanying restriction in mobility.

The joints in lower back can be injured in the same way other joints get damaged. This means one can suffer from sprains, stiffness or even cartilage dysfunction. Similar to other injuries sometime back muscles also gets swollen because of intense pressure on the structure in the lower back.

How to treat the hurting back?

The first thing one need to do is to visit a professional physiotherapist. They will observe your condition and suggest specific treatments.

First step:

To deal with severe pain proper posture and rest is crucial; a physiotherapist can help you in obtaining a relaxing posture. Commonly, in first 48 hours of pain one is asked to move back muscles in within the range without hurting after every two to three hour to reduce strain in the muscle. Contrary to a common belief immobility can cause more damage that is why it is very essential to keep the muscles moving. In severe cases, when someone cannot even move their back muscles “taping” is used for relaxation as well as mobility.

Step 2:

At this stage, the painful muscles are treated to understand the root cause. Restoration movements and pain reduction will be focused on this stage. Many therapist uses manual therapy to calm down the muscles and to reduce the pain levels. Soft tissue manipulation is done by careful movements of muscles and tissues.

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